Happy Tenth Birthday Basecamp

I've been a big user of Basecamp on and off over the years, and while it's not right for any of my current projects I wouldn't be surprised to find myself back there in the future. So, happy birthday Basecamp, and a million thanks to the 37 Signals team for the myriad ways that pretty much all of their software has helped me out over the years.

Back then, we relied on email for everything. Email’s great for many things. But it’s not great for long-running projects. Things get lost, people get left out of conversations, there’s nowhere to go to see what’s left to do. Know what I mean?

So we started looking for a project management tool. We needed something to help us communicate ideas, organize the work to be done, and present work to stakeholders. Simple as that.

We're changing our name. 37signals is now Basecamp. "37signals" goes into the history books. From now on, we are Basecamp. Basecamp the company, Basecamp the product. We're one and the same.

Bold move. I'll be sad to see Highrise go, but let's hope it gets rebuilt in the core product.

Source: https://basecamp.com/ten