India's Youth In Beta

Fascinating research from MTV, over at WARC:

MUMBAI: India's youth are opinionated and empowered by technology but at the same time regard themselves as "beta versions" of their future selves, according to a new report by MTV.

The media channel's Many Me study surveyed 11,000 people aged between 13 and 25 across more than 50 cities over a six-month period using a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

The report described them as being "in the beta stages, ripe for testing, rectifying and remoulding".

The full report is downloadable as a PDF, and it's full of insights into how India's young people are thinking about themselves. Interesting too in the context of what Tim Cook had to say  on Jim Cramer's CNBC show.

TIM COOK: Yeah, let’s talk about this. This is another huge one. India will be the most populous country in the world in 2022. India today has about 50% of their population at 25 years of age or younger. It’s a very young country. People really want smartphones there, really want smartphones. And this year, the first year, LTE begins to roll out. And so many of your viewers here in the United States, they’re used to using LTE and streaming video. And hopefully they’re getting a good experience there. In India you can’t do that long – there is no LTE. And so that’s changing. Huge market potential.

Understanding this market is going to be critical, for any company designing products or services in the next few decades.