Writing Pecha Kucha in HK

I'm in Hong Kong, once again, and it only now feels like I'm taking stock and exhaling. I arrived last Friday and although I didn't start teaching until Tuesday there was much to do, and jet lag to contend with.

This time last year I was helping the fabulous Flatpack film festival to make its first foray into Asia. With Flatpack 10 coming up in Birmingham UK this month we're now starting to plan our next moves out here—more events, a stronger Hong Kong flavour, and a connecting thread formed by the city's various pedestrian and transportation infrastructures.

As a first point of reference, and a prototype of a kind, I'll be presenting at Birmingham Pecha Kucha's Flatpack edition event. My twenty-slides-in-twenty-minutes talk will weave together memories of films and toys with the times and places that produced them, in the hope of creating a loose map towards the next Flatpack Hong Kong. Pleasingly, the trip here has already thrown up a few strong leads, and the presentation is being hewn out of the raw material that daily life here provides. It's a seat-of-the-pants approach to crafting a talk, more wrought than written, but that seems appropriate to Pecha Kucha's adrenaline-fuelled style. I'm as fascinated as anyone else to see how it turns out.